Ultrasonic test
The ultrasonic test is a non-destructive volume test procedure which enables to detect inhomogeneities like e. g. cracks, wrinkles, blowholes or doublings in the material volume. In addition the ultrasonic test allows conclusions about the extension and position of the flaws in the material volume. In addition the ultrasonic test allows for conclusions about the extension and position of the flaws in the work material volume.
In addition, the measurement of the run-time of the ultrasonic pulses in the component enables a measurement of the wall thickness and layer thickness.
Based on many years of experience of MQ Engineering GmbH in the field of ultrasonic testing, MQ Engineering GmbH also offers practical special test procedures, for example in the field of tooth flank examination. We examine roller bearings by means of ultrasound in order to detect White Etching Cracks (WECs) and tooth flanks of gearbox components in order to find incipient cracks beneath the surface resulting from operational load.